To the miserable, sullen employee who is frustrated with his professional life, and to the obscure employee who is dominated by loss and confusion in laying the correct foundations for the beginning of her professional journey. I invite you to pause and read all the chapters of this mini-constitution, apply them all to your personal and professional life, and judge yourselves slowly without haste before jumping and submitting resignations from one institution to another, without having real results on the ground.
You may be the reason behind your unhappiness at work and you do not know it. Have you ever worked intelligently within your organization? Have you learned how to deal with your toxic boss? Have you recognized all of your inner capabilities and used them properly in your organization? Do you have a magic formula that can take you to higher levels in your job? Are you burning in your organization or are you burning yourself without knowing it? Did you develop clear strategies before leaving your organization?
These are all important questions, and it may be difficult to answer them accurately, and the mini constitution in your hands will attempt to collect what you scattered, and redraw and form it on correct foundations, based on real personal experiences lived in more than one country, institution, and company.