Permanent Paints: Thick, water-resistant paint that's permanent when dry. Clean up spills with soap and water immediately, before paint dries.
Multi surface paint: Works on many types of surfaces, including canvas, wood, metal, fabrics, and ceramics.
Painting supplies: These craft paints are perfect for DIY crafts and school projects.
Safe and non toxic
Conforms to ASTM D4236
CRAYOLA-Acrylic Paint Set. These great paints offers pigment- rich matte colors that are water-resistant and permanent when dry. The professional quality makes a wide variety of techniques possible on surfaces such as canvas, wood, metal, fabrics and ceramics. This package contains six 2oz bottles of acrylic paint in red, black, yellow, white, blue and brown colors. All Crayola art materials are non-toxic. Recommended for ages 5 and up.