Excellent for the whole family, from adults to children, as a daily nourishing and soothing all-over hair, face and body wash that's rich and moisturizing
Gentle enough to be used on hair without the need for conditioners
Excellent for sensitive, fragile or damaged skin, dry hair or scalp or those sensitive to chemicals
Note: The Calendula used in our Calendula Wash is a premium food-grade organic Calendula extract, used for it's beneficial properties, not as a Calendula perfume or scent
Made especially for sensitive skin and hair. A 100% pure, handcrafted castile wash made only from extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil and organic Calendula extract. Free of preservatives, artificial additives and foaming agents. Gently infused with organic Calendula extract, this wash is excellent for strengthening and protecting the most fragile skin. Free from foaming additives, fragrances and preservatives, this 100% pure castile soap wash is slowly double-cooked over weeks at a very low temperature, so that it retains all the antioxidants and benefits of its ingredients.