New York Underground

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Product details
  • Format: Paperback | 126 pages
  • Language: Arabic
  • Publication: 2021
  • Author: Mohamed Abdo El Bahrawy
Life is a forest, and human should plant it with the flowers of truth, goodness and beauty, using the spring of peace to irrigate it. But he had to clash with the thorny branches of hatred in order to find his way. It is the dilemma of eternal life that we are stuck with, we chase each other. Some of us reached their goal and put their plant, some died while fighting for that, and others were stuck in the branches of hatred and used their thorns to stab their brothers. This is the riddle of life, and the dilemma and ordeal of humans throughout the ages, for which the greatest epics of man have been written, and there are many stories and narratives created by other writers to immortalize human struggle and to learn from what has happened, is happening, and will happen. , , The work that you have in your hands, dear reader, is a small part of depicting that struggle, hoping to remind you, with what you have to struggle, in which another person - the author - tried to fight that dilemma too, with narration and storytelling moving from story to story, from one place to another, and from our real time to the absurd imagination. The purpose of that is to learn and plan in order to contribute in solving this absurd puzzle and win over it. , , Our time is nothing but the story of our lives that we write with our deeds, we have the freedom to write it sometimes, and we have the freedom at the end of the tunnel, a goal that all nations aspire to, and in which all the sublime sacrifices are made. In the end, it remains that you are free - dear reader - either you learn from the precedents and stay memorized at all times or be forgotten. Learn and work, and be aware that the writer of those lines has a debt that he must repay you, which is to inform you with his pen and words and let you enjoy, and he hopes nothing but your consent - after the consent of God Almighty and parents of course - and your awareness to face the truth, goodness and beauty, and plant the seeds of love and irrigate it from the spring of peace.
  • Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
  • Product Dimensions5.00 x 7.99 cm
  • Package Dimensions22 x 30 x 13 cm
  • Package Weight0.2 kg
  • SKUAMPF-9789948452300

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