B-12 is a naturally-occurring vitamin that helps maintain proper metabolic function and cellular energy levels by helping convert food into energy. But B-12 does a whole lot more, too: It supports the health of your heart, circulation, gums and mouth, and nervous system. Furthermore, B-12 helps the development and regeneration of red blood cells, which deliver oxygen through the body. And it's involved in DNA synthesis and renewal. Putting it simply, B-12 plays a role in helping to keep many parts of your system running smoothly. Vitamin B-12 is found in food from animal sources, but not in vegetables. It is also more difficult to absorb B-12 as you age. Vegetarians and older folks may need to supplement their B-12 intake. In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that people over 50 get B-12 from supplements or fortified food. Supplementing with B-12 will give you the cellular energy support you need to help you stay active and be your best.