We need lights in our lives to continue living and have a good time. Lights can be in the form of contentment, which can be derived from a real love or a happy life. Searching for Lights is a book of poems and short stories that will take you on a journey of discovering different kinds of love: soothing love, secret love, unspoken love, and real love. In this book, you are going to see how life is rich in both happiness and sadness, regrets and hopes.
There you could be lost and struggle for love which can take you on ups and downs, humps and turbulences. Somehow fantasy is not discounted in this book. Two short stories will drag you into a world of thrills and excitement. Nevertheless, this book carries lots of meaningful, moving sentences that can be used as quotes and deep posts.
And not to mention the meaningful drawings that accompanied each poem in order to deepen the meaning and clarify the message of the poem. Dear reader, you may find your story or a situation that has happened to you previously in this book - this life is a set of experiences that we have lived, even if the details differ. I hope you enjoy your journey ‘Searching for Lights'.