96% cotton/4% Lycra medical grade acrylic adhesive
SISSEL Black 5mKinesiology Tape is a cost effective, high quality kinesiology tape for correcting muscle imbalances, improving circulation and posture realignment. , Anybody who has an allergic reaction to sticking plasters might have a similar reaction to kinesiology tape. Do not use if any of the following symptoms occur blistering of the skin rash itching redness
Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
Product Dimensions<!--desc-->SISSEL Black 5mKinesiology Tapeis a cost effective, high quality kinesiology tape for correcting muscle imbalances, improving circulation and posture realignment.
, Anybody who has an allergic reaction to sticking plasters might have a similar reaction to kinesiology tape. Do not use if any of the following symptoms occur blistering of the skin rash itching redness<!--enddesc--><!--features-->50mm x 5m kinesiology tape
Breathable & water resistant
96% cotton/4% Lycra medical grade acrylic adhesive
<!--endfeatures--><!--pkgdimensions-->40 x 35 x 35 cm<!--endpkgdimensions--><!--weight-->0.7<!--endweight--><!--sweight-->0.9<!--endsweight--><!--rage-->Suitable for Mumz<!--endrage--><!--returns-->1<!--endreturns-->