Multi-purpose toy, pull-along snail and sorting box at once
Drag the snail around to create a fun sound while the wheel spins with the blocks inside
Colourful sorting box, working fine motor skills
Comes with a short rope for safety reasons, extend rope to be able to pull it while child is standing up.
High quality wooden construction
Made in Europe
Certified non-toxic paints based on natural components,
Tested to be safe and durable.
Carefully selected high quality materials from certified EU suppliers, who respect European eco-standards of wood production.
The Snail stroller consist of two parts: the body of the snail (with wheeled base) and its shell (cylinder shaped). Pull the snail's body and watch its shell rolling. Take the shell off and use it as a sorter. It has 6 different shapes to shove the wooden shapes through. This helps the child to distinguish between shapes and enhances their dexterity. You might even find the little one using it as a rattle while shaking the shell full of colorful shapes.