Safe volume level without obstructing communication
Helps prevent hearing damage
Suitable for many: two available sizes (M + L in a pack)
Minimal occlusion
Filter type: -25 dB average attenuation
Dimensions: 16 × 9 × 2.25 cm
Weight: 40 g
Crescendo Moto 25 earplugs - these are universal washable earplugs for motorcyclists. The noise level inside a motorcycle helmet at a speed of 100 km/h typically ranges from 95 to 105 dB, exceeding the safe limit of 85 dB. Crescendo Moto can be worn under the helmet. They eliminate the noise generated by the helmet, reducing it to a safe level while allowing speech to be heard.
Crescendo Moto earplugs reduce sound by 24 dB (Europe) certified by CE and 16 dB (North America) certified by ANSI, effectively reducing the noise level to a safe range.