Helpful exercises for postsurgical therapy, muscle build-up or to increase mobility
Easy and affordable aid to increase strength, stamina and coordination
7.5 cm band includes 1 clip and concise exercise instructions
The Medium Red Sissel Fitband Essential is an allergen-reduced natural latex exercise band. It can be used to support therapy, for movement exercises and to increase strength and stamina, it is suitable for people of all ages. This band is available in various strengths for progressive exercising, is extra wide for maximum comfort and has reduced amounts of powder making it pleasant to the touch.
Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
Product Dimensions<!--desc-->TheMedium Red Sissel Fitband Essentialis anallergen-reduced natural latex exercise band. It can be used to support therapy, for movement exercises andtoincrease strength and stamina, it is suitable for people of all ages. This band is available in various strengths for progressive exercising, isextra wide for maximum comfort and has reduced amounts of powder making it pleasant to the touch.<!--enddesc--><!--features-->Workout and physio-therapy!
Helpful exercises for postsurgical therapy, muscle build-up or to increase mobility
Easy and affordable aid to increase strength, stamina and coordination
7.5 cm band includes 1 clip and concise exercise instructions<!--endfeatures--><!--pkgdimensions-->40 x 35 x 35 cm<!--endpkgdimensions--><!--weight-->0.7<!--endweight--><!--sweight-->0.9<!--endsweight--><!--rage-->Suitable for Mumz<!--endrage--><!--returns-->1<!--endreturns-->