Embark on a mission with Ben the Otter, the eco-conscious sailor, to clean the oil spills and rescue sea creatures. Climb aboard his solar-powered catamaran for adventures in marine conservation. Learn about ocean conservation with Ben's catamaran and his solar powered submarine. Protect the seas by cleaning up the oil spills, rescuing sea creatures, and understanding the importance of removing and preventing pollution.
Set Includes: 1 x Boat, 3 x Oil Smear Pieces, 1 x Boat Pole, 1 x Sail, 1 x Figurine, 1 x Diving Goggles, 1 x Whale, 1 x Octopus, 1 x Manta Ray, 1 x Fish, 1 x Oil-Absorbing Sponge, 1 x Towel, 1 x Oil Barrel, 2 x Lifebuoy, 1 x Submarine.