The Smoby Be Fun tricycle is a safe vehicle for children from 15 months. With the tricycle, even the youngest confidently learn how to move forward with pedals, how speed changes when stepping faster or slower - the ideal preparation for cycling. At the same time, motor skills and coordination are trained and the muscles are strengthened.
The innovative Smoby-typical curved shape of the durable metal frame allows for a higher vehicle base. This provides the tricycle ergonomics that are especially suitable for children. The seat is extremely comfortable and supports your back. This can be adjusted to the baby leg length several times. A belt provides extra safety.
The proven equipment with switchable pedal freewheel, steering wheel locks and height- and submersible push jumper makes the children's tricycle a reliable and safe companion for the first years of life. As soon as the child can drive independently, the push rod can be removed. The steering limit provides extra stability when driving, especially when driving faster.
The Be Fun children's tricycle is equipped with hard plastic tires and is made in Spain from high-quality materials.
Tricycle Be Fun Blue - Smoby Tricycle Be Fun with Seatbelt, Adjustable Seat, Pedal Freewheel, Steering Wheel Lock, Push Bar, Handlebar Lock