This beautiful graphic-novel adaptation of The Breadwinner animated film, inspired by Deborah Elliss beloved novel, tells the story of eleven-year-old Parvana, who must disguise herself as a boy to support her family during the Talibans rule in Afghanistan. Parvana lives with her family in one room of a bombed-out apartment building in Kabul, Afghanistans capital city. Parvanas father a history teacher until his school was bombed and his health destroyed works from a blanket on the ground in the marketplace, reading letters for people who cannot read or write. One day, he is arrested for having forbidden books, and the family is left without someone who can earn money or even shop for food. As conditions for the family grow desperate, only one solution emerges. Forbidden to earn money as a girl, Parvana must transform herself into a boy, and become the breadwinner. Readers will want to linger over this powerful graphic novel with its, striking art and inspiring story.